Garbh Sanskar

by Dr Anand Dhingra



We provide Garbh Sanskar online live classes all over the world on more than 120 different topics. It is the world’s most advanced program. Different courses runs in planning & pregnancy to up to delivery. Here few points are enumerated, for complete details we strongly recommend you please see YouTube video given on home page of our website.SOME IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBERDaily Routine in Planning & Pregnancy,Powerful Baby Healing Meditation Techniques,Pregnancy and month-wise astrological tips,How to Increase IQ, EQ & SQ of coming baby,Highly effective baby brain development techniques with more than 20 exclusive sessions on baby brain development,Normal Delivery Tips,Powerful Mantra Therapy,World’s Most Advanced Program with more than 120 classes from conception to delivery.Yog, Pranayam, Diet, Prayer, Does & Don’t During Pregnancy.Powerful Techniques to Imprint Sanskara in Baby’s Subconscious MindSpecial Classes & Consultation for Natural Treatment of-Infertility or complications due to any reason like PCOD, Uterine Fibroid, Uterine Polyps, Obesity, Thyroid & other Hormonal problems, Low Sperm Count or ED, etc.Who had a miscarriage previously,Who had a Genetic Disease in a previous baby?